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DryvIQ includes an embedded version of Fiddler, which will more easily allow for gathering of Fiddler traces for investigating issues.  This is currently supported via the REST API or the CLI. This page provides information for managing your Fiddler trace sessions, files, and certificates through REST API. (Click  here for more information on how to manage Fiddler using the CLI.)

FiddlerCore, by default, is not enabled in DryvIQ.  DryvIQ must be configured to enable FiddlerCore.  Click here for more information on how to configure DryvIQ to enable FiddlerCore.

Get Fiddler Status

You can identify if Fiddler is actively capturing traffic by checking the status enabled using the following call.  

GET /diagnostics/fiddler

If Fiddler is enabled (actively capturing traffic), the call will return the following response.

    "status": 200,
    "type": "fiddler",
    "fiddler": {
        "status": true,
        "port": 7777

If Fiddler is not disabled (not actively capturing traffic), the call will return the following response.

    "status": 200,
    "type": "fiddler",
    "fiddler": {
        "status": false

Enable a Fiddler Trace

Start a Fiddler trace using the following call. 

POST /diagnostics/fiddler
    "status": true

Disable a Fiddler Trace

Stop a Fiddler trace using the following call.

POST /diagnostics/fiddler
    "status": false

Delete Fiddler Trace Files

Fiddler trace files are stored in the SkySync\v4\Logs\Trace directory. You can delete the files to keep the directory clean. Use the following call to delete all Fiddler traces.

DELETE /diagnostics/fiddler/traces

Uninstall Fiddler Root Certificates

Fiddler root certificates for DryvIQ are stored in the SkySync\v4\Data\Fiddler directory. Use the following call to uninstall root certificates.

DELETE /diagnostics/fiddler/certificates?trust=1

Install Fiddler Root Certificates

Fiddler root certificates for DryvIQ are stored in the SkySync\v4\Data\Fiddler directory. Use the following call to install root certificates.

POST /diagnostics/fiddler/certificates?trust=1

Select Yes when prompted to confirm you want to uninstall the certificate.