How do I filter files by file-name and/or extension?

Configuring Content Filtering

To filter files based on filename and/or extension, a filter set must be configured for the job in-question.
1. From the Add New Job screen (existing jobs can have a filter added by right-clicking the job in the Job Control panel and selecting Edit Job) click the "Advanced" link to expand the Advanced Options.

2. Click the "Add" link next to the "Content Filtering" drop-down as shown below to create a new filter set. 

3. From the "Configure Content Filters" screen that appears, click the "Use custom pattern" check-box.

4. Select "Exclude" from the drop-down to filter out files meeting the criteria. Select "Include" to filter out all files not meeting the criteria.

5. Enter in the desired filter criteria in the field.

The custom pattern section will look for files and folders that match exactly what is entered, it does not use Regular Expressions. Spaces and other punctuations are treated as characters and will be used in the pattern. Multiple custom patterns will need to separated ';'. It is important that you do not use any spaces between the filters. These custom filters work on folders as well as files, which means that it is a best practice to include the extension or parts of the extension if you do not want folders to also be filtered accidentally.

* is a wildcard for any number of characters and ? is for exactly 1 of any character. Both of these characters can be used within a pattern of characters as well as leading or ending a pattern of characters. It should be kept in mind that the extension of a file does count towards the number of characters and the name. Therefore if you have a text file named "Super", it must be kept in mind that the system will treat it as "Super.txt". It should be noted that we do not support regular expressions, but instead simply use the above two special characters.
For example, in the picture above *project*.* will exclude all files of all extensions with "project" in the file-name. The second entry, *doc*.t*, will exclude all files with both "doc" in the file-name and an extension beginning with the letter "t".

Another example would be if you wanted to include or exclude files or folders that had a specific number of characters or if only a specific number of characters changed. In this example we are using .txt files named Accounts1-Accounts1000. If you only wanted the accounts 1-9 you would set the filter up as an include with "Accounts?.txt". This would mean that only .txt files with one character after Accounts would be included. If the extension where not included and only Accounts? was used then the filter would not work, unless folders existed that fit that name pattern.

Another example would be if you wanted to include or exclude all files with 3 digits after Accounts starting with 1 you would use "Accounts1??.txt". This would work as a  filter for Accounts100.txt-Accounts199.txt. The ? symbol can also be placed within the characters which means that you could use the pattern "Accounts1?0.txt", which would filter for Accounts110.txt,Accounts120.txt, etc.

As mentioned about you can also combine the * and ? characters. For example if you wanted every Accounts file regardless of type with 3 characters after accounts you would use the pattern "Accounts???.*" You could also use Accounts???* however this would filter for any file or folder that started with Accounts followed by 3 characters. 

If Include were selected from the drop-down (4), all files without "project" and "doc" in the file-name, as well as an extension beginning with "t", will be filtered out of the job. Only files matching both entered values will be included in the job.

If a custom filter for include *.xls is created it will also include *.xlsx this is a known issue and has been fixed in the next version of our product.


6. Enter in a name for the filter set and click OK to save. The created filter set can be used for any job by selecting it from the Content Filtering drop-down menu.

7. The Job Analyzer will contain two links, one for the source and one for the destination, to an exportable .csv file reporting all files included or excluded based on the filtering criteria.