Version 4.20.1 (Watermelon Maintenance) Release Notes

Version 4.20.1 (Watermelon Maintenance) Release Notes



Release Date: May 17, 2021


Platform version 4.20.1 was available on May 17, 2021. This release is a maintenance release that contains important fixes for Box connections as well as other fixes listed below. For more information about features and functionality available, visit the Platform Documentation Center.


Important information for Box users!

Box lowered the maximum items allowed in an event call from 1000 to 500. DryvIQ made changes to its API to ensure additional calls are made to prevent missing data on the destination due to the limit change. Therefore, DryvIQ recommends that all customers who have a Box connector update to the 4.20.1 release. If you upgrade to 4.20.1 and notice missing data on the destination platform, perform a soft reset on the job. This will ensure any missing items get transferred.


  • Box lowered the maximum number of items returned in a call from 1000 to 500. DryvIQ made the necessary updates to its API calls to Box to ensure it does not miss any event detection changes. See the important note above for additional information and steps you may need to take.

  • DryvIQ no longer sanitizes combined diacritical marks (a subset of Unicode) for Box.

  • Hard, permission, and complete job resets will not recount usage after the reset.

  • DryvIQ will respect the number of concurrent transfers set.

  • When duplicating a disabled Simulation Job, Simulation Mode will be toggled off on the Job Summary page before saving the duplicate job.

  • Groups created through the SharePoint Online Administrator portal are correctly handled by a Group Map set to map by ID.


Known Issue for Office 365: When Office 365 is the destination connection, DryvIQ sometimes retransfers file versions when it shouldn’t, which will increment license usage. A fix for this issue is planned in the next maintenance release.


DryvIQ Migrate Version:
Release Date: April 4, 2024