Version 5.2 Release Notes

Version 5.2 Release Notes

Version: 5.2.3352

Release Date: July 14, 2022


DryvIQ platform version 5.2 was available on July 14, 2022. This release focused on improvements to Microsoft and Box connectors. The release also contains several bug fixes. Learn more about the release below. For detailed information about individual items, refer to the DryvIQ Platform Documentation Center.


This release includes rebranding from SkySync to DryvIQ. You will see the DryvIQ logo in the application after updating, and references to the platform will now be DryvIQ. All functionality in the platform remains the same. The Documentation Center is currently being rebranded, so you may still see references to SkySync, but those will go away over the next few weeks. You can read more about our rebrand on the DryvIQ Website.

Connector Updates


Updates were made to how Box Notes are transferred to improve job performance. Learn more here.

Microsoft Connectors

  • The Microsoft Office 365 GccH and OneDrive for Business GccH connectors have been updated to use Microsoft’s Graph API.

  • Updates were made to the SharePoint online connectors (Microsoft Office 365, Microsoft OneDrive for Business, and Microsoft Teams) per Microsoft’s suggestions to improve overall job performance.

  • A new configuration option was added to the SharePoint Online connectors to disable batch upload file validation on the initial transfer. This helps alleviate rate limit issues. Learn more here.

New Configuration Options

  • New configuration options were added so you can set the type of reset DryvIQ should perform. You can set the reset type globally or per job. Learn more here.

  • A new configuration option was added so you can choose to skip setting Owner Preservation if there is an error while uploading a file/folder to the mapped owner. Learn more here.


  • When retrying a previously failed move event, the platform will not produce a “The path cannot be made relative to parent” error.

  • Inherited permissions on NFS are now properly detected and applied to the destination.

  • The Box connector was updated to not make an API call for each file version when using native event change detection.

  • The CLI was updated to correct an error after installation.

  • DryvIQ will no longer produce an "Item could not be located in the storage platform" error if items already exist on the destination during a Microsoft Office 365 batch upload.

  • Updates to the Microsoft Office 365 connector correct issues with retrieving folders from custom site collections with a subsite.

  • The OpenText connector was updated to fix an HTTP timeout issue.


DryvIQ Migrate Version: 5.7.3
Release Date: July 11, 2024