Network File Share (SMB)

The NFS SMB connector allows DryvIQ to connect to network file systems running on Linux machines.


All current SMB2/SMB3 protocols are supported, including 2.0.2, 2.1.0, 3.0.0, 3.0.2, 3.1.0, 3.1.1.

NFSv4, NFSv3, and NFSv2 protocols are not supported.

The following features are not supported:

  • Root level connections are not supported.

  • Integrated authentication is not supported.

Creating a Connection

  1. Select Connections.

  2. Select Add connection.

  3. Select Network File Share (SMB) as the platform on the Add connection modal. (Note that the SMB connection will only display in the Connections list on Linux environments. It will not be available on machines running Microsoft Windows.)


  4. Enter the connection information. All three fields are required for this connection.

  5. Test the connection to ensure SkySync can connect using the information entered.

  6. Select Done.







Display as

Enter the display name for the connection. If you will be creating multiple connections, ensure the name readily identifies the connection. The name displays in the application, and you can use it to search for the connection and filter lists.

If you do not add a display name, the connection will automatically be assigned a default name. 


UNC Path

Enter the UNC path for the connector. The UNC path will be to a folder at least 1 level off the root of the server, for example: \\<server name>\<folder on server>. Root level connections are not supported.

You can also use the server IP address, for example: \\<ipaddress>\<folder on server> 


User Name

Enter the user name for the administrator account.

This needs to be an account with authority to access the content you will to process.



Enter the password for the administrator account.


Features and Limitations

Last Accessed Date

DryvIQ processing affects the Last Accessed date for files, but DryvIQ restores the original Last Accessed date after reading the file to preserve this date. If the NFS account used to create the source connection has read-only permissions to the source files, DryvIQ cannot restore the Last Accessed date, so the date will be affected by DryvIQ processing. This applies to migrations, policy scans, and discover scans.


Network File Share supports the ability to assign permissions only to a certain folder (“This folder only). DryvIQ does not support “This folder only” permissions when moving content from NFS to other destinations. DryvIQ will add permissions to the folder on the destination based on the platform rules.

DryvIQ Migrate Version:
Release Date: April 4, 2024