Connector: Office 365


1. Maximum file-name path length: 400 characters

2. Restricted characters in file/folder name include "¦|#{}%\t\"“”+\\/:*?<>"

Some versions of Office 365 support # and % in the filename, but not all of them.  Currently managing files with # or % in them is not supported by SkySync and those files will either need to have their names changed, or manually managed.

3. OneDrive for Business does not allow the following

  • Two consecutive periods

  • Leading or trailing periods

  • Leading or trailing white space

  • Leading tildes ~

  • Non-printable ASCII characters

4. Restricted characters in Enterprise Keywords include <>

5. Maximum Enterprise Keyword length is 255 characters

Connector Creation Settings

1. You will need to input your username, password, and Office 365 site URL.  

Known Issues

1. Files with # or % in the name will cause a 404 Not found error when attempting transfer them using SkySync.